Leadership Team Applications
Join the TYC 2023-2024 Leadership Team!
The Toronto Youth Cabinet (TYC), City of Toronto’s official youth advocacy body, with the mandate of advocating on behalf of Toronto’s over 623,000 youth, is looking for new members to join their leadership team!
What am I expected to do?
Attend monthly Leadership Team meetings, monthly Cabinet meetings, and the occasional Executive Team meeting
Support the TYC’s Working Groups
Ensure that the overall direction given from the Cabinet is in line with the TYC’s mission statement, long-term vision and anti-oppressive framework.
Collectively lead the development of an annual work plan for the TYC directed by the membership (i.e. identify issues and then take action on them)
Play an advocacy and lobbying role on behalf of the TYC (i.e. deputations, speaking to committees, meetings with Councillors, etc.)
Remain up-to-date on all TYC-related initiatives and provide support
Keep members informed and involved
Consistently attend all Cabinet meetings
Ensure that the positions taken on by the TYC are consistent within the executive and the entire organization through ongoing communication with all members of the TYC
Ensure that all approved TYC initiatives are adequately resourced
Make decisions on time-sensitive issues while still ensuring that they are respectful of the mission of the TYC
Miss no more than two (2) meetings without prior notice and reason to the Executive Director
You are expected to serve a full term from May 1st, 2023 – April 30th, 2024. This commitment will take approximately 3 to 4 hours per week, depending on the role. Meetings typically take place during the evenings and weekends, most often in the TYC Office located at Toronto City Hall. TTC tokens are provided for all transportation related to TYC work. Please note you are required to be between the ages of 13-24 and that this is a volunteer position with a monthly honorarium.
NOTE: Due to the upcoming Mayoral By-Election the term is starting later than usual and will commence no later than July 17th, 2023.
Benefits of joining the Executive Team:
Gain senior leadership experience
Personal development support
Learn about City Hall & municipal governance
Networking opportunities
Meet local decision-makers
Benefits of becoming a Working Group Lead:
Gain leadership experience
Personal development support
Learn about City Hall & municipal governance
Networking opportunities
Access to TYC Office
Meet local decision-makers
2023-2024 Executive Positions Available
Position Descriptions
Director of Internal Affairs
The Director of Internal Affairs is responsible for the internal management of the organization, including: human resource management, conflict resolution, developing policies and procedures for the organization, managing the member progress tracking system, membership development, and preparing for Cabinet meetings.
Director of Stakeholder Engagement
The Director of Stakeholder Engagement is responsible for engaging existing partners and stakeholders, researching potential collaborators, assisting Working Groups in the development of relationships with external organizations, and supporting the Advisory Board.
Director of Equity and Inclusion
The Director of Inclusion and Equity is responsible for ensuring that the Toronto Youth Cabinet maintains its principles of Anti-Oppression, supporting Leadership Team members with equity related initiatives, and enhancing the TYC’s capacity to foster equity and inclusion in the City.
Director of Organizational Development
The Director of Organizational Development is responsible for planning training days, developing civic literacy materials for the membership, preparing presentations on significant civic issues to be delivered at Cabinet meetings.
Director of Council Relations
The Director of Council Relations is responsible for building relationships between Councillors and the Cabinet, supporting Working Groups in their relations with Council, reporting to the Executive Team and the membership on the actions of City Council, and furthering the relationship with the Office of the Mayor.
Director of Policy & Advocacy
The Director of Policy & Advocacy is responsible for identifying policy and advocacy issues where TYC can intervene, researching and analyzing City policies and strategies, making recommendations to the Cabinet on policy and advocacy positions. This position is also responsible for organizing TYC’s Youth Summit.
Director of Public Relations
The Director of Public Relations is responsible for overseeing all of the TYC's social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat), developing and executing a digital media strategy, acting as media liaison, maintaining the TYC website, and supporting Working Groups in the promotion of projects and initiatives. Interest in this role will require a portfolio demonstrating experience in managing multiple channels.
Digital Media Strategist
The Digital Media Strategist will work closely with the Director of Public Relations; Working within the organization to identify unmet needs, goals and opportunities for our social media channels and website. The responsibilities for this role can include but are not limited to: reaching analytical goals on social media, maintaining a consistent posting schedule, collaborating with the Director of Public Relations to create a functional website and supporting working group leads with the creation of promotional content. This role will require a time commitment of up to 5 hours per week.
2023-2024 Working Group Lead Positions Available
Attend monthly Leadership Team meetings and monthly Cabinet meetings
Communicate regularly via email and Slack
Be responsible for developing and executing a one-year work plan for the Working Group
Be responsible for membership recruitment, engagement, and retention for the Working Group
Work with the Executive Committee to ensure effective collaboration and communication
Perform tasks as to be in compliance with organizational policies & procedures, as well as directives from the Leadership Team
Miss no more than two (2) meetings without prior notice and reason
Community Safety Working Group
By developing initiatives concerning policing and violence prevention, the Community Safety Working Group strives to create a safer Toronto.
Transit Working Group
The Transit Working Group aims to advocate for transit policies that meet the needs of youth and students in Toronto.
Newcomer Working Group
The Newcomer Working Group is dedicated to encouraging the integration, civic participation, and success of newcomer youth in Toronto.
Budget Working Group
The Budget Working Group advocates to include the priorities of Toront’s youth in the City budget. It also aims to increase youth awareness, engagement, and excitement around the City’s Budget process.
Equity & Employment Working Group
The Equity & Employment Working Group works to fight the city's rising rate of youth unemployment.
Urban Health Working Group
The Urban Health group will combine and link youth experts to partner and collaborate with Toronto Public Health on a variety of special interests affecting youth across Toronto.
Education Working Group
The Education Working Group strives to connect the Toronto Youth Cabinet with Toronto's school boards in order to develop initiatives to benefit students. In doing so, we endeavour to raise awareness on issues related to youth in education at municipal and provincial levels.
The Arts, Culture, Development and Community Working Group
The Arts, Culture, Development and Community Working Group (ACDC) works in collaboration with the programming team of City Cultural Events (CCE) and is dedicated to developing event specific recommendations and initiatives ensuring that youth have a voice and platform within Toronto’s cultural events.
Housing Working Group
The Housing Working Group is dedicated to educating youth on their rights and the best practices in relation to their roles as residents of the City of Toronto, as well as advocating for policies and initiatives that deal with the rising youth homelessness in Toronto and ensuring that Toronto is an accessible and affordable city for all.
Environment and Climate Action Working Group
The Environment and Climate Change working group strives to bridge the gap between policy decisions, community action, and youth engagement while empowering the next generation of climate leaders. The working group will foster an open and inclusive space for youth to raise awareness about issues related to the environment and climate change through events, dialogues, advocacy and research activities such as policy briefs.
Application Deadline: Friday, June 16, 2023 (11:59pm)
Should you have any questions regarding the contents of this application, please send all inquiries to apply@thetyc.ca